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Building A Brighter Future For All

Westminster Community Homes (WCH) was incorporated in December 2009 as an Industrial and Provident Society (now Co-operative and Community Benefit Society) which is a company with charitable aims.

In December 2010 became a Registered Provider (RP).


WCH status has  moved from having an independent status and subsidiary of Westminster City Council (WCC), to being wholly controlled by WCC with effect from 2 May 2018.

WCH is a landlord that provides long and short term accommodation for City Council nominees through a nominations agreement. WCH takes all of its nominations from the City Council's waiting list and this process is entirely managed by the City Council's Housing solutions service for social housing (Assured tenancies) and Home Ownership Westminster for Intermediate rent. For more details please see our ‘How to Apply’ page.


Our Housing management is also provided through an agreement with Westminster City Council (WCC). The Housing Management team take care of:

  • WCH tenancies management: sign ups, rent collection

  • Monitoring rent income and arrears

  • Void property management

  • Estate management

  • Repairs service is also provided by WCC

  • ASB

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About Us

Core Competencies •We use our local knowledge and specific skills in order to play a key role in the delivery of the Housing Renewal Programme and wider City Council housing strategy through the provision of additional affordable housing. •We understand the challenges facing residents and find solutions to the housing need demands facing the City Council.

Value For Money 1. Definition Value for Money ('VfM') for Westminster Community Homes means that: •We are fulfilling our key role in support of the delivery of the Westminster City Council Strategic Housing programme •We have a large majority of satisfied customers •We are financially sustainable In order to demonstrate value for money we have metrics which can show that we are achieving the above. We aim to ensure that we are making the best possible use of our assets to meet our objectives. 2. Mission and Corporate Objectives Our mission is to support Westminster City Council in its delivery of the Strategic Housing programme and to provide quality homes at rents that tenants can afford. Self Assessment We remain one of the last Westminster providers delivering affordable housing at social housing rent levels, rather than introducing affordable rents. This allows us to provide decant opportunities for tenants affected by regeneration as their new home will be on broadly the same rent levels. The Board accept that charging social rent levels does not levy the maximum return for the properties but this is a deliberate startegy in line with our organisational aims. 3. Customer Satisfaction WCH carries out a regular costumer satisfaction survey. The questions are based on the survey used by the City Council which allows WCH to directly compare results. Self Assessment In addition to the Residents satisfaction survey we also measure a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) throughout the year. The KPIs include a measure of the number of repairs completed on time. Completing repairs on time means that value for money is delivered by reducing the number of visits and ensuring a right first time culture is embedded in the repairs team which benefits our residents. 4. Financial Stability There are two main financial key performance indicators which are assurances for stakeholders that the organisation is financially sustainable and will continue to be so. The average interest rate for loans must not rise above 6%. Interest cover must not fall below 125%. This is to ensure that WCH always has sufficient income to meet its lender requirements.

©2025 by Westminster Community Homes. 


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