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Contact us

Your property:

If you are enquiring about your property please contact our housing management team at Westminster Council who manage all of our properties. 


If your enquiry is related to your tenancy or housing management please write to: Housing, Westminster Council, 155 Westbourne Terrace, London W2.  Alternatively, you can contact the Housing Enquiries line, Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, on 0800 358 3783 and ask to speak to them direct.

Housing Officers:

Timothy Malaolu (Housing Manager)

Eric Otoo (Housing Officer)

Diellza Uka (Housing Officer)

Karimu Kusimo (Housing Officer)​

Sabina Hafeez (Housing Officer)


To report a repair during office hours, 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, telephone: 0800 358 3783 and select one of the following:

Option 2 to report a new urgent repair

Option 3 to report a routine repair

Option 4 to discuss an ongoing repair

or email:

Anti-Social Behaviour:

To report Anti-Social behaviour we ask that you contact Housing enquiries on: 0800 358 3783 and select Option 5 to speak to customer services 

General enquiry

If you have a general enquiry regarding Westminster Community Homes please write to: Westminster Community Homes, Westminster City Hall,

12th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP or email: 

For General Contact

Thanks for submitting!

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